Sunday, June 20, 2010

Because I haven't posted my yoga minutes since Mother's Day...

I'll post them now, really quick, on Father's day...

May 10-16: 90; 35; 90; 30; 30; 30; 30 minutes
May 17-34: 90; 30; 90; 90; 30; 35; 30 minutes
May 24-31: 35; 30; 90; 35; 45; 30; 40; 90 minutes
June 1-6: 30; 90; 90; 40; 75; 40 minutes
June 7-13: 90; 40; 90; 75; 30; 30; 35 minutes
June 14-20: 90; 30; 35; 90; 30; 35; 30 minutes

I just did a Google image search for the words: father daughter yoga. I kind of expected a lot of creepy pictures to pop up, but hardly any images that really applied to my search popped up.  For some reason, a lot of pictures of Tom Cruise holding his daughter Suri came up.  No, not in any yoga pose, just walking down the street and carrying the kiddo.  Also, Hugh Jackman and Ben Affleck carrying their children down the street.  I don't understand!!!  Anyway, here is the only pictures I found of fathers and daughters actually doing yoga:

Hold me closer, daddy Dancer    
Anyway, then I did just a regular Google search with these same words, and this kids' book, by Bikram founder Baron Baptiste, turned up.  Super cute for all of you raising little yogis and yoginis!

A few years ago, I bought my father a yoga for golfers DVD, with yoga sequences to help prevent common golf injuries, like throwing one's back out again.  I don't know if my father ever tried the DVD; it is okay if my father has no interest in becoming a pretzel.  I just feel lucky to have a father who respects my yoga practice and who listens (or pretends to listen) to me prattle on about yoga on the phone regularly.  Namaste, Daddy!

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