Thursday, January 28, 2010

Como se dice "Downward-Facing Dog" en espanol?

This is NOT Seattle.

I admit it: I am a lucky, lucky gal. What else can I say about the fact that the biggest obstacle to my 360-day yoga quest thus far is that, gosh darn it, I'm flying to the Riviera Maya in Mexico tomorrow morning to stay at the resort pictured above with my family for a week? I am a lucky, lucky gal.

But I have put a lot of thought over the last few weeks into how will I practice yoga on vacation in warm, exciting, DISTRACTING Mexico? How will I be able to practice with genuine attention in a two-bedroom resort/time share unit with my father, stepmother, brother, and sister-in-law hanging around? Do I take a mat, buy some of those strap-on yoga paws for my hands and feet instead, or wing it without a mat on the bare floor or carpet? If the resort has yoga classes, will they be led in Spanish? And what about those 8-hour travel days?

I don't yet have the answers to many of these questions, but I am not taking a mat, nor did I buy yoga paws. I am winging it on the room floor, and, whether or not I have an audience, I will do yoga every day. Somehow. If the resort classes are in Spanish, that will be a pretty cool experience! And if not, hey, at least I'll have the option to go to a class. Finally, I downloaded not one, but two CHAIR podcasts for my big air travel days. I'll have to combine them with some other light yoga/pranayama/meditation to get my minimum 30 minute quota, but I'm excited to have found these. I'm so psyched to do one at my gate in Houston tomorrow!

I'll be sure to post about keeping up a regular yoga practice while far away from regular life. But for now, here's my yoga minutes for the last 13 days.

Day 11, 1/16: 55 minutes Day 18, 1/23: 75 minutes
Day 12, 1/17: 48 minutes Day 19, 1/24: 90 minutes
Day 13, 1/18: 90 minutes Day 20, 1/25: 60 minutes
Day 14, 1/19: 50 minutes Day 21, 1/26: 40 minutes
Day 15, 1/20: 90 minutes Day 22, 1/27: 90 minutes
Day 16, 1/21: 40 minutes Day 23, 1/28: 75 minutes
Day 17, 1/22: 30 minutes

One pose I'm hatin' on: Salamba Kapotasana, or Supported Pigeon Pose. Or Eka Pada Rajakapotasna, i.e. One-Legged King Pigeon Pose--and any variation in between. My knees aren't liking these poses at all this week.
And one pose I'm loving: Bakasana, or Crane Pose. Mostly because I did it right AND held it for longer than two seconds for the first time ever today! Yay!

This will soon be me. Except for the gender thing, I suppose.


1 comment:

  1. Yay for Rainey's yoga class. I love bakasana too! I'm glad you were in there today!
