The writer, getting her Adho Mukha Svanasana on |
What does the starting point of a circle look like upon return, after you've traveled around its entire circumference? Does the planet look or feel any different after undergoing a full rotation? What does Adho Mukha Svanasana--Downward-Facing Dog, perhaps the most frequently executed pose by Western yoga practitioners--what does it feel like after doing the pose for 360 straight days? These are some of the many, many questions I asked upon starting my yoga 360.
While a wrist injury prevented me from doing downward-facing dog for every single day, I did succeed in practicing yoga for 360 straight days. This blog chronicles that journey, covering my struggles with developing a good home practice, doing yoga while traveling, training for a my first half marathon, healing from a handful of injuries, and more. Now that I've completed that challenge, I still enjoy the practice of yoga more or less daily, and I continue to think about it and write about it here.